Org Pallet

This pallet handles organization membership and governance. Each weighted group of accounts stored in this pallet has a unique OrgId. This identifier is often used in inheriting modules to establish ownership of the organization over associated state.

Share Ownership

Each member (AccountId) in an org has some quantity of Shares in proportion to their relative ownership and voting power. This ownership metadata is stored in runtime storage like

double_map OrgId, AccountId => Option<ShareProfile<T>>;

Pallets that inherit this pallet can check membership of an AccountId in an OrgId by checking if the map associated with the key: OrgId, AccountId is Some(ShareProfile<T>). There is an associated method for this purpose.

let auth = <org::Module<T>>::is_member_of_group(org, &who);
ensure!(auth, Error::<T>::NotAuthorized);

Default Governance

Every group has a sudo Option<AccountId>. This position is set in the organization state upon initialization.

pub struct Organization<AccountId, OrgId, IpfsRef> {
    /// Optional sudo, encouraged to be None
    sudo: Option<AccountId>,
    /// Organization identifier
    id: OrgId,
    /// The constitution
    constitution: IpfsRef,

The sudo is intended to be a representative selected by the group to keep things moving, but their selection will be easily revocable. The rank module expresses representative selection with enforced term limits for this exact purpose.