Bounty Pallet

This pallet placed 3rd 🏆 in Hackusama with a submission that included a custom substrate-subxt client to update github issue information based on changes to chain state.

Post Bounties

Anyone can post bounties as long as the amount is above the module minimum. The module minimum is set in the pallet's Trait.

pub trait Trait {
    /// Minimum deposit to post bounty
    type MinDeposit: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;

The public runtime method signature is

fn post_bounty(
    issue: EncodedIssue,
    info: T::IpfsReference,
    amount: BalanceOf<T>,
) -> DispatchResult

The amount is checked against the module constraints. The issue input is the binary encoding of github issue metadata.

type EncodedIssue = Vec<u8>;

The storage in this pallet uses a map's keyset to enforce a limit of one github issue per posted bounty.

    /// Prevent overlapping usage of issues
    pub IssueHashSet get(fn issue_hash_set): map
        hasher(blake2_128_concat) EncodedIssue => Option<()>;

The first line in this method checks that the encoded issue metadata has not been associated with an another bounty on-chain.

ensure!(<IssueHashSet>::get(issue.clone()).is_none(), Error::<T>::IssueAlreadyClaimedForBountyOrSubmission);

This global hashset pattern is useful when defining a 1-to-1 mapping between an off-chain identity (e.g. unique github issue) and an on-chain object (e.g. bounty).

Contribute to Bounties

Anyone can contribute to bounties. There are no refunds and there is no representation in spending governance. The only constraint is that outside contributions must exceed the module constant.

pub trait Trait {
    /// Minimum contribution to posted bounty
    type MinContribution: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;

The public runtime method signature is

fn contribute_to_bounty(
    bounty_id: T::BountyId,
    amount: BalanceOf<T>,
) -> DispatchResult

The first line checks the amount exceeds the module constant.

ensure!(amount >= T::MinContribution::get(), Error::<T>::ContributionMustExceedModuleMin);

Apply for Bounty

Anyone except the poster can apply for a bounty. The issue associated with the application (submission) must be unique and independent from the bounty issue to which it is applying. Likewise, the bounty identifier that the submission references must exist in on-chain storage in order for the submission to be valid.

Here is the runtime method header with the checks required for valid submissions.

fn submit_for_bounty(
    bounty_id: T::BountyId,
    issue: EncodedIssue,
    submission_ref: T::IpfsReference,
    amount: BalanceOf<T>,
) -> DispatchResult {
    ensure!(<IssueHashSet>::get(issue.clone()).is_none(), Error::<T>::IssueAlreadyClaimedForBountyOrSubmission);
    let bounty = <Bounties<T>>::get(bounty_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::BountyDNE)?;
    let submitter = ensure_signed(origin)?;
    ensure!(submitter != bounty.depositer(), Error::<T>::DepositerCannotSubmitForBounty);
    ensure!(amount <=, Error::<T>::BountySubmissionExceedsTotalAvailableFunding);

If any of these checks fail, the method is still safe because no storage values have been changed. This is demonstrates the verify first, push to storage last principle.

Approve Bounty

Only the account that posted the bounty can approve submissions. Submission approval immediately transfers funds to the recipient.

Here is the runtime method header with the checks required for valid submissions.

fn approve_bounty_submission(
submission_id: T::SubmissionId,
) -> DispatchResult {
    let approver = ensure_signed(origin)?;
    let submission = <Submissions<T>>::get(submission_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::SubmissionDNE)?;
    ensure!(submission.state().awaiting_review(), Error::<T>::SubmissionNotInValidStateToApprove);
    let bounty_id = submission.bounty_id();
    let bounty = <Bounties<T>>::get(bounty_id).ok_or(Error::<T>::BountyDNE)?;
    ensure!( >= submission.amount(), Error::<T>::CannotApproveSubmissionIfAmountExceedsTotalAvailable);
    ensure!(bounty.depositer() == approver, Error::<T>::NotAuthorizedToApproveBountySubmissions);
    // execute payment

Next Steps

This module works for single account governance, but isn't sufficiently expressive for democracy (direct and representative). Future versions will allow contributors to select representatives and vote to approve submissions. See the grant pallet for an example of an on-chain grants program that uses org voting to make grant decisions.